0800 197 2770UK support team

Complaints procedure

How to make a complaint

policy If you have a complaint directly regarding a specific policy, you will need to follow the complaints procedure shown within the policy wording.

We aim to treat all customers fairly and to provide you with a high level of customer service at all times. But if you are not satisfied, please contact us:

Write Complaints Resolution Manager
52-56 Leadenhall Street,
Email MGAcomplaints@bbrown.com
Call 0800 208 8477
Option 1: 24hr claims notification
Option 2: Customer support and enquiries09:00-17:00 Monday to Friday

When dealing with your complaint, we will follow our complaint handling procedures; a summary of these is available on request. If you are still not satisfied:

  • You may be entitled to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service
  • If we cannot meet our obligations, you may also be entitled to compensation from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme

Further information is available on request.

Office hours

09:00–17:00 Mon to Fri (excluding bank holidays)

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